To declare publicly and legally, the property right that is intended to have in unregistered lands, the Dominican state has the sanitation process.
Sanitation is defined by law 108-05 of real estate registration, as the process of public order to determine and individualize the land, the rights that fall on it are purged and they are registered for the first time. Also, it contemplates the Dominican state and any individual or entity that claims or possesses a right over an unregistered property, such as the entities capable of initiating it.
To justify the claim of property rights on unregistered land, there must be possession, which is appreciated when a person has in his power a property as owner or by another exercising the right under the power of representation, acted as public, uninterrupted, peaceful and unequivocal, during any of the periods contemplated in the Civil Code, as an acquisitive prescription, consisting of five (05), ten (10) or twenty (20) years.
The sanitation process consists of three stages: cadastral, judicial and registry, the latter mentioned, ends the process by issuing the ownership title certificate, enabling the registration of complementary seats and thereby granting publicity. This has the characteristics of a public, official, authentic, enforceable and imprescriptible document, in favor of the person who has been awarded the property.
These reasons are based on the importance of the real estate property registration, which is provided for the guarantee of property rights, and safeguards the inherent protections, for the existence of a real estate right in the Dominican Republic´s territory.