Mergers, Acquisitions and Joint Ventures

The Santana Ripoll & Assoc. lawyers who focus on mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures have the experience, depth, and professional skills to work with all the parties involved during the different stages of the process. The firm represents buyers, sellers, target companies, and investment advisors in virtually every kind of transaction related to mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures in the country, including negotiated stock purchases, asset purchases, and tender offers.

Companies involved in a merger often have to obtain the approval of competition authorities and the level of scrutiny is becoming ever greater. We have a long track record of successfully advising clients throughout the competition authority approval process, across many sectors and jurisdictions.

We assist clients by quickly identifying the critical aspects of their case, and by collecting and analysing the relevant evidence. We also assist in preparing clients for interactions with the competition authority, and in responding to competition authorities’ requests for information and empirical analyses.

It is now standard in merger cases to use a wide range of empirical and quantitative techniques, including modelling merger effects using demand estimation. Our consultants are experts in all aspects of the relevant analyses. Equally important is presenting the results clearly, in a manner that is comprehensible to the client and the specialist alike.

We are experts in providing support during:

horizontal mergers between firms competing in the same market;
mergers raising tacit collusion concerns; and
vertical and conglomerate mergers that bring together firms at different levels in the supply chain or in related markets.

We are often involved in regulatory risk assessments for parties considering potential mergers. We assess the likely concerns that will arise, explore the strength of potential responses, and provide a “no holds barred” assessment of the prospects for intervention, so that parties can make their decisions on the best information available. We also assist in designing remedy packages for potential concerns.