Industries and Free Zone

Industries and Free Zone in Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is a destination that attracts foreign capital for the production of textiles, medical equipment, cigarettes and tobacco derivatives, industrial equipment, clothing and footwear, food, beverages, and pharmaceuticals, among many other kinds of goods.

El equipo de industrias y comercio de Santana Ripoll & Assoc., acompaña a empresas e inversionistas en sus operaciones, asesorándolas en cuanto a consideraciones de carácter legal, incluyendo asistencia fiscal, laboral y corporativa.

The firm also assists companies in a wide variety of industries regarding various incentive laws, such as Law 392-07 on Competitiveness and Industrial Innovation.

Free Zones

Santana Ripoll & Assoc. advises local and foreign clients in operating in the Dominican Republic under the free zone regime under Law No. 8-90, including advice with respect to obtaining permits and authorizations for establishing new free zone enterprises.

The firm also advises clients with respect to the transfer of benefits, customs issues, and labor, tax, and social security obligations of free zone companies, including the closing of operations in the Dominican Republic.

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